Thursday, February 9, 2012

This should be considered an exciting day.

I have an eye appointment to take my father to and we schedule an eye surgery for later in the month.

I get notice that his health insurance has been canceled.

Two of his prescriptions including one for his heart are being held by the pharmacy because the co-pay has gone from $25 to $650 and they want to make sure we intend to pay before releasing the meds.

I get a notice from the State of Oregon that my bond rider has gone up the $250,000, and I have to send in new paperwork.

I drive my sister to pick up her very first new car.

I pay 27 different bills out of 3 different check books, none of them mine.

My brother has been kidnapped by scientologists in Michigan and I have to get him back.

I decide to commit myself to a 5K run in 6 weeks.

This should be an exciting and stressful day for a normal human person. 

For me it was just Monday, Just another day.  They are all like this, filled with emergencies.  No wonder I can’t cook a healthy meal or get the laundry done.

On Wednesday I slept for 14.5 hours.  I shouldn't feel guilty about this but I do.  Just think of all the things I could have gotten done if I had been awake?

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize you'd moved from Awfully Big Digsby (a name I love) to here. Life's not pretty for some of us. That's one thing I like about the dog blogs--you just think and read about dogs for a while. The news of your dad's insurance really rang a bell because after I lived for a short time in Oregon, a prime reason I moved back to WA was for health insurance. It's very costly but at least I could get insurance here; whereas in OR the only option was the unaffordable state pool or whatever it's called.

